How To Avoid The Most Common Dental Emergencies?

Everyone wants to avoid dental emergencies. They are painful and often require a fast trip to the dentist when you can no longer handle the pain. The worst thing about them is not the fact that they can happen anytime, but that they always come with a friend – spending a lot of money and suffering from certain consequences. So, the best thing is to try your best and avoid them. This article gives you tips to do so.

What Is The Number One Cause Of Dental Emergencies?

The most common causes of dental emergencies are usually bad oral hygiene and accidents. A toothache caused by decay and accidents while eating or falling down or bruxism can and most likely will result in a visit to the dentist.

How To Prevent Future Pain

The thing about toothache caused by decay is that it is often unbearable, to the point you start losing sleep, appetite, and overall ability to function normally. The best way to keep this from happening is to maintain good oral hygiene and have regular checkups. But, more on that later.

On the other hand, avoiding accidents does require some more work.

Use A Mouth Guard

If you noticed you are tightening your jaw and grinding your teeth, be sure to use a mouthguard. Bruxism can easily cause fractured teeth and abfractions and using a mouth guard is a good way to avoid it. Also, if you play sports and are prone to dental accidents, a mouthguard should be your go-to preventative solution.

Watch The Food (you can eat it, too)

Sugar, acidic and hard food can seriously damage your teeth. Avoid sweets that stick to your teeth and choose the ones that clear out of your mouth quickly. If that food gets stuck in your teeth, nothing good can happen. Acidic food and drinks like alcohol can damage your teeth’s enamel and, just like sugary or starchy food, it can result in cavity and tooth decay. Also, avoid eating hard food that can damage your teeth. Snacks like caramels and popcorn can be dangerous, even though they’re delicious. So, just be careful and floss afterwards.

Face Cages & Helmets

This tip is mostly related to sports. Don’t play sports unprotected. If you and the gang decided to throw a puck around, play properly and use the helmet. Do you know how many hockey players are missing their teeth? Why do you think that is?

Routine Check-ups

This is us again repeating how important regular dentist visits are important. With them, you can avoid any decay or cavity and handle them on time. Also, they sure help in keeping your teeth and saving money in the long run. The more you have regular check-ups, the less money you will spend on new crowns and implants in the future.

Get Sealants

Dental sealants are a very thin plastic coating painted on teeth that can protect them from cavities. According to research in the States, sealants help reduce cavities by a whopping 80 percent! The procedure is painless and affordable, plus it’s a great way for preventing cavities among kids!

Have Some Vitamins

Vitamins and minerals can be very beneficial for your teeth and help you prevent dental emergencies. If you can’t maintain a diet rich in vitamins and minerals, have some vitamins. They can strengthen your tooth enamel and prevent tooth decay. What you need is calcium, phosphorus, and vitamins A, C, and D.

Things To Keep in Mind



Even if you take all the precautions, accidents can happen and you still might end up at the dentist’s office. That’s why you should address your dental anxiety in time, so you don’t end up with irreparable damage just because of fear.

Tips For Dealing With Dental Anxiety

We at Blue Haven Dental know that some people are not a fan of dentists, and that’s okay. What is important is that, if you do suffer from dental anxiety, you try to overcome it just enough for a visit and we’ll do our absolute best to keep you comfortable. Don’t let your dental anxiety keep you away from a healthy smile and nice breath. Here are a few tips that might help ease your fear:

  • Talk to your dentist – let them know you’re scared and share your concerns. That way, they can make sure to take proper steps to make the whole process even easier.
  • Breathing exercises – deep breathing exercises can help you to calm your mind and relax. Close your eyes, slowly inhale through your nose and then slowly exhale through your mouth. Repeat a few times.
  • Bring a friend – they can be both a distraction in the dental office or moral support. Ask your dentist if they’re okay with you bringing company first.
  • Listen to music – during the exam. Having a distraction like listening to music or watching TV during an exam can help you keep your mind off what’s happening.
  • Sedation – ask your dentist for some laughing gas during your appointment. Not only will it provide pain relief, but can also help with your anxiety.

Have A Good Dentist

Having a good dentist that understands your dental anxiety and doesn’t judge you is important. A good dentist will make everything easier and make your every visit comfortable, no matter what you came to do. Do your research, search for recommendations and read reviews. After you find a dentist you trust, you won’t have a problem coming in for regular checkups.

Oral Hygiene is Your Best Friend

No offence to your regular best friend. But they can’t help keep toothache away, can’t they? Floss regularly and brush your teeth at least twice a day, replace your toothbrush every two months and watch your food. This will help you avoid cavity and tooth decay.

The Takeaway

Toothache is often described as the worst pain possible. We do think there are much more painful things, yes – but with toothache comes irritability, your whole face hurts, and you risk losing your tooth if you don’t treat it on time. That’s why you should always keep in mind these tips in order to avoid dental emergencies. If you need help when something happens, Blue Haven Dental is here for you.