Six Tips to Help You Take Care of Dental Implants

Around 10% of Canadians deal with mouth pain daily. If their oral hygiene problems aren’t addressed, they might need to have a tooth removed. Depending on where the tooth is located, this can lead to difficulty chewing and reduced self-confidence.

Dental implants are a great way to replace missing teeth. Knowing how to care for a dental implant is key to its longevity. We’ve compiled our top six tips for dental implant care. Keep your smile looking gorgeous and healthy for many years.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are artificial teeth and roots. The root is typically made from titanium. It is typically inserted into your jawbone to replace your natural tooth’s root. A replacement tooth or crown is then attached to the metal implant.

The implant is an anchor that keeps the new tooth in place. Dental implant candidates need to have healthy jawbone structure since it must support the implant.

Some of the benefits of dental implants include:

  • Matching your natural teeth
  • Preventing bone loss
  • Longevity – they may last a lifetime
  • Improving the stability of your other teeth
  • Decreasing the chance of gum disease
  • Preventing premature aging

There are multiple steps involved in the dental implant process. They are:

  • Removal of damaged teeth
  • Jawbone grafting (if needed)
  • Implant insertion
  • Bone healing and growth
  • Tooth placement

The entire process can take several months to complete. Most of that time is devoted to waiting for your jawbone to grow and heal. While good dental care is important all of the time, it’s especially crucial when you have implants.

1. Use a Soft Toothbrush

You may have to switch to a different toothbrush once you get dental implants. A soft, or extra-soft toothbrush is ideal. The bristles are pliable, enabling you to brush your new teeth gently.

Avoid buying toothbrushes with hard bristles. These types of bristles can scratch your implants. Don’t use any metal instruments to clean your teeth.

2. Choose the Right Toothpaste

You’ll also want to find a non-abrasive toothpaste. Abrasive types of toothpaste can scratch your implants instead of whitening them. Scratches can result in your implants staining over time.

Avoid toothpastes that include:

  • Baking soda
  • Activated charcoal

You’ll also want to stay away from whitening toothpaste.

Sensodyne is a great toothpaste option. It’s designed to alleviate sensitivity. The ingredients in the toothpaste soothe your nerves while providing you with a protective coating over the sensitive areas.

3. Flossing Is Crucial

Did you know that 13% of Canadians don’t floss at all? Flossing should be part of your daily oral health routine whether you have dental implants or not.

Flossing becomes more essential once you have dental implants. Plaque and bacteria can easily get trapped around your implants. More serious oral health issues can start because of that.

There are a lot of different types of flosses that are designed to use with dental implants.

If you struggle to remember to floss, there are a few things you can do:

  • Put floss in your purse or car
  • Put a reminder on your mobile phone
  • Reward yourself for flossing
  • Floss while you watch TV

4. Avoid Hard, Sticky, and Hot Food

The upcoming holiday season is full of yummy foods. Unfortunately, many of these delectable treats are sticky and hard. Neither of those qualities is good for your dental implants.

Eating these types of foods can damage your dental implants. They can also harm nearby teeth. Avoid consuming these types of foods:

  • Caramel
  • Ice
  • Hard candies
  • Dried fruit
  • Apples
  • Potato chips
  • Crusty bread
  • Steak

You might also experience some sensitivity to hot foods and drinks after you have your surgery. That’s because your gums and nerves are still healing.

5. Limit the Wine

Decreasing the amount of alcohol you drink is better for your overall health. You want to give your body time to heal after having implant surgery. Your dental implants can take up to six months to heal and alcohol can slow your healing process.

If you smoke or chew tobacco, now is a good time to quit. Smoking causes an increased risk of implant failure. You’re embarking on a journey to be the best version of yourself with your dental implants. Establishing healthy habits will lead to a better quality of life for you and help extend the life of your implants.

6. Consider a Mouth Guard

Wearing a mouth guard can protect your dental implants. Repeated stress, grinding, and pressure can damage your dental implants over time. Having implants repaired can be costly.

You should wear a mouth guard if you:

  • Play contact sports
  • Clench or grind your teeth

Mouth guards are designed to custom-fit to your teeth. They provide a barrier to cushion your dental implants and your teeth, protecting them from the force of clenching or grinding.

Besides helping you avoid damaging your new teeth, a mouth guard can help with:

  • Inflamed gums
  • Bruxism
  • Headaches

Your jaw will relax when wearing a mouth guard, which can reduce how much your grind or clench. The amount of force your implants experience will reduce, enabling them to heal better.

Learn How to Care for a Dental Implant

Maintaining good oral hygiene and regularly visiting your local dentist is key. They can give you tips on how to care for a dental implant. They can also identify any potential dental issues, helping you avoid major problems.

Blue Haven Dental provides comprehensive dental services in Orleans. Book an appointment online for a consultation today.